👋 Hi, there!
[![Typing SVG](https://readme-typing-svg.herokuapp.com?font=Raleway&weight=700&size=40&duration=4000&pause=939&color=FFDDAD¢er=true&vCenter=true&random=true&width=450&height=60&lines=José+Correa+Morales)](https://github.com/JoseCorreaMorales)
export class Info {
name: string = "Jose Correa M.";
age: number = 23;
nationality: string[] = ["Mexican"];
languages: Record<string, string>[] = [
{ Spanish: "Native" },
{ English: "B1" },
school: string = "Instituto Tecnológico Superior De Ciudad Hidalgo";
occupation: string = "Web Developer" | "Developer";
freetime: string[] = ["Gym", "Reading", "Hanging out with friends"];
export class Programming {
languages: string[] = ["Java", "JavaScript", "PHP", "Python"];
stylesheets: string[] = ["CSS", "SASS", "SCSS"];
frameworks: string[] = ["Bootstrap"];
runtimes: string[] = ["Node"];
databases: string[] = ["MySQL", "MariaDB"];
learning: string[] = ["tailwind", "React", "Mongo"];
projects: string[] = [
"IoT rfidproject",
"Angular inventory app",
"Headphones landing page",
"Courses landing page",
export class Social {
website: string = "https://josecorreamorales.netlify.app/";
github: string = "josecorreamorales";
discord: string = "josecorream.";
linkedin: string = "linkedin.com/in/jose-correa-morales/";
// Programming Languages
## Frontend
## Backend
## Workspace and tools
> ## // Check my resume down below
📃 Resume
## Education
- 📖 ** Udemy Bootcamp**\
📆 Present\
📍 ** [The Complete 2023 Web Development Bootcamp](https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-web-development-bootcamp/) by Dr. Angela Yu** - Udemy
- 📖 ** Computer Systems Engineering**\
📆 2019 - Present\
📍 **[Instituto Tecnológico Superior De Ciudad Hidalgo](https://cdhidalgo.tecnm.mx/)** - Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, México
- 📖 ** B1 (CEFR) English course**\
📆 2019 - 2022\
📜 **[Certificate](/joseCorreaMorales/assets/joseEnglishCertificate.pdf)**\
📍 **[Instituto Tecnológico Superior De Ciudad Hidalgo](https://cdhidalgo.tecnm.mx/cle/ingles-para-adultos)** - Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, México
- 📖 ** Technical Programming Program**\
📆 2016 - 2019\
📍 ** [CECyTEM 17](http://cdhidalgo.cecytem.net/)** - Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, México
## Volunteering
- 👨💻 ** Volunteer in the design department**\
📆 2022 - Present\
📍 **Instituto Tecnológico Superior De Ciudad Hidalgo** - Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, México
- 👨💻 ** Community service at [ITSCH](https://cdhidalgo.tecnm.mx/) as webDev for Klasster Group entrepreneurship**\
📆 2022 - Present\
📍 **Instituto Tecnológico Superior De Ciudad Hidalgo** - Ciudad Hidalgo, Michoacán, México
## Projects
## IA Projects 🤖